Anita Verma-Lallian is the CEO and founder of Arizona Land Consulting, a Phoenix-based land investment and consulting company that specializes in commercial real estate. Verma-Lallian is also the founder of local film production and entertainment company, Camelback Productions. Learn about Anita Verma-Lallian…

Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ

First job: My first job was with my dad at his land development company, Vermaland. He started teaching me about accounting when I was about 10 years old. Once I turned 18, I officially began working with him in the accounting department, helping with leasing a building and bringing in potential tenants.

Favorite ways to spend your free time in AZ: My favorite way to spend my free time is hiking. We live super close to Camelback Mountain, so I take advantage of the trails. When the weather is nice, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends outdoors.

Your biggest accomplishment and why: Professionally, my biggest accomplishment would be starting Arizona Land Consulting. It was a big risk to go off on my own, but I’ve been able to have a hand in the growth of the West Valley and have seen the company grow exponentially since its founding three years ago. I’m most proud of my kids and the family my husband and I have built.

The biggest obstacle you overcame: Starting my own company in a field that is predominantly dominated by older, white males is one of the biggest obstacles I have overcome. The commercial real estate industry is not very diverse, and it was a big challenge to make my presence known and have people take me seriously.

Someone who inspires you and why: My biggest inspiration in life is my mother. She is a retired physician who moved here from India when she was 22 years old as an anesthesiologist. Moving to America in the 1980’s and entering into a primarily male-dominated industry kind of forced her to overcome several challenging barriers. Every time I’m faced with a challenge or something someone would consider a barrier, I think of her.

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: The best advice I would give to someone pursuing a career in commercial real estate would be to learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can, and never stop learning. Part of acquiring and selling land requires making decisions quickly and having taken the time to learn all the details about every moving part has made me successful.

Favorite quote: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” -Gandhi

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: That I met my husband in high school, and we started our family so young.

What makes someone fabulous: To be fabulous in my mind is to have a strong work ethic, a big vision, and the drive to put that big vision into action. The pursuit of dreams makes someone fabulous to me.

Source By Fabulous Arizona